Guest Editor

Lazing is Amazing

Laser technology has become an even bigger rising star in the evolution of appearance and wellness enhancements. Dentistry has seen a huge breakthrough with the introduction of a combination hard-soft tissue CO2, Erbium, Neodymium, and Diode wavelengths.

The conservative nature of these techniques has created a firm footing in the anti-aging trend that is spanning the globe. Among the many benefits of less invasive care and quicker healing responses:

Phototobiomodulation (PBM) can be used for a wide panorama of uses to accelerate healing in sore muscles, acute pain from ulcers, etc. There are new techniques combining Nd:YAG and Er:YAG wavelengths to relieve the effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, as well as, smooth and rejuvenate aging skin and acquired blemishes. Many of these will be enhanced with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). This is a huge help to those who refuse to wear CPAP or an appliance, in addition to avoiding the trendy Botox/ fillers injectables.

In periodontics, with an evidenced based protocol, more teeth are being saved with better protocols that stimulate bone growth. In cosmetic dentistry, veneers are being removed more easily and conservatively. The “closed flap technique” allows gingival and osseous contours to be minimally invasively shaped for better symmetry and contour. In addition, gingival retraction with lasers is permitting more predictable impression taking that is less traumatic, as well as more efficient with fewer costly remakes.

In addition, other uses will be shown that will help patients get treatment for soft tissue anomalies/ biopsies, and removal of decay—often without anesthesia.

Bottom line, the benefits of these enhanced technologies is making use of a more natural approach that patients and professionals are excited to see outstanding results that are matching up with scientific research.

The DDHK team is excited to share these concepts to inform you and stimulate your growth and expansion for greater excellence in serving your patients.

In partnership for your success,

Dr. Hugh Flax – Guest Editor

Available Now in the Bookstore! - DDHK Magazine Vol 3, Issue 1 Fall 2022

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